Homeschool Art Classes
Tuesdays: January 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
Age-appropriate art fundamentals of working with all kinds of fibers. Visiting artists are included in this exciting month of creations. Students will learn to weave, felt, and sew fibers together. Fibers is a huge medium, there is a good chance this theme will continue into February. Objectives include: - learning the various fibers for felting, weaving, spinning yarn - We will create a felted animal, a plush animal, and a woven rug! $65 per student. All supplies included. **The deadline to register is Jan. 3rd** Grades K - 5th: 10:00 am to 11:30am with Stacy Heydt Grades 6th - 12th: 1:00pm to 2:30pm with Cheryl Church Register Here: |